About microprocessor
I am going to tell you about microprocessor.
The microprocessors is heart of any normal computer, whether it is a desktop machine ,a server or a laptop.It is a complete computation engine that is fabricated on a single chip. A microprocessor is also known as a CPU or Central Processing Unit . The first microprocessor was the Intel 4004, introduced in 1971.
Definition: The microprocessor is a semiconductor chip that implements the central processor of a computer .It require positive supply and perform 74 bit instructions .
Based on instructions a microprocessor can do the following basic things:
*Using the ALU ,it can perform arithmetic and logical operations.
*A microprocessor can move data from one memory locations to another.
*A microprocessor can make decision and jump to a new set of instructions based on those decisions.
A microprocessor has following three buses :
1.address bus.
2.Data bus.
3.Control bus.
Address bus:An address bus can sends an address to a memory. The CPU can put a binary numbers on the address bus to select an individual register in the ram and ROM or I/o.
In 8085 , address bus is 16bit wide.
Data bus: A data bus can send data to memory or receive data from memory .It is bi-directional bus.
Control bus: The control bus instruct the chips to do various things , such as when to read or write etc.
Features of microprocessor :
The important feature of microprocessor are as follows.
*Cost: the most important feature of microprocessor is its low cost . It is a well established fact that with the advancement of technology , the cost does not increase .
*Size: The second important feature of microprocessors is its small size . It's size doesn't a few inches on any side even in the package form .
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